Steve Nelle's Notes
Note 1 - Adoption of Riparian Buffers |
Note 2 - Riparian Roots |
Note 3 - Value of Willow Baccaharis |
Note 4 - Barometers of the Land |
Note 5 - Riparian Sponge - Bigger is Better |
Note 6 - Water Sheds or Water Catchments? |
Note 7 - Response to "Water Catchments" |
Note 8 - Growing Riparian Emphasis |
Note 9 - Ribbons of Gold |
Note 10 - The Right Kinds of Riparian Plants |
Note 11 - Losing Ground |
Note 12 - Gaining Ground Through Good Land Stewardship |
Note 13 - A Difficult Journey |
Note 14 - Old Pick-up Trucks and Riparian Areas |
Note 15 - Good Enough |
Note 16 - Progress, Setbacks, and Interruptions |
Note 17 - The Right Question |
Note 18 - Finding the Right Parts |
Note 19 - Learning from History |
Note 20 - Riparian Roots Reinforce River Banks |
Note 21 - Arundo Alert |
Note 22 - The Main Thing |
Note 23 - What is a Creek |
Note 24 - Floodplain Clarification |
Note 25 - Simple, Neat, and Wrong |
Note 26 - Drought in the Riparian Area |
Note 27 - Rocket Science |
Note 28 - Creek and River Myths |
Note 29 - Drought |
Note 30 - Cutbanks |
Note 31 - Straight and Wide |
Note 32 - Riparian Trees |
 | Steve Nelle is retired from the Natural Resources Conservation Service where his career spanned 28 years as a range conservationist, district conservationist, wildlife biologist and zone biologist. Steve often engages as an advisor, teacher and leader in spreading riparian understanding. |